Excessive calcium intake increase the risk of prostate cancer
Results of a study published in the medical journal The International Journal of Cancer has indicated that there is a link between a diet with a high content of calcium with the risk of prostate cancer .
Dr. Panagiota N. Notrou of the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland and colleagues found no association of prostate cancer risk increased with increasing consumption of dietary intake of processed animal products such as milk, cheese, eggs, butter and others.
To investigate further the researchers conducted a study and observation using data and medical records were obtained from the cancer prevention study using the Alpha - Tocopherol , beta-carotene ( ATBC ) to test the level of calcium intake and its relation to risk of prostate cancer.
ATBC study that included 29 133 Finnish male smokers nationality with age range 50 to 69 years who completed the question sheet about 276 kinds of foods to determine their diet at the time the study began.
Having passed the 17 -year period the research team found as many as 1,267 cases of prostate cancer from a total of 27 028 , those who populate the data to its conclusion is also included in the final analysis.
"We found a strong causal relationship between intake of calcium with the risk of prostate cancer," the researchers wrote.
After adjusting the data to a number of important variables that found the risk of prostate cancer was 63 % greater for those who consume much more than 2000 mg of calcium compared with men who received a calcium intake of less than 1,000 mg per day, the difference was statistically striking.
A clear linkage was also observed total animal protein intake with the risk of prostate cancer, but it is unclear when eliminating the influence of the element calcium. In other words the close relationship between fat comes from animal fat with prostate cancer becomes void when the element calcium is removed.
Those researchers also say that scanning using prostate specific antigen ( PSA ) of the compound that became a marker for the presence of prostate cancer.
" Because most of the cases we've found is a result of the findings of clinical symptoms," said Nitrou and his team explained.
" It also reduces errors in the detection of prostate cancer "
Prostate cancer can not only be prevented by increasing the intake of onions and tomatoes, but also by limiting intake of certain foods. Some studies show that eating foods such as dairy products , fats and meat in large portions could increase the risk of prostate cancer.
How the influence of the food and how much should be consumed? Here's the description for you.
1 . Dairy products
These products include milk , yogurt , and cheese. Population studies found evidence that all of these products is closely related to the development of prostate cancer.
What about calcium do we need? Dairy products are the main source of calcium. However, some studies found an association between high calcium intake with an increased risk of prostate cancer.
According to researchers , this is caused by the relationship between calcium and vitamin D , a potential anticancer agent. Calcium needs vitamin D to help absorption, therefore, when Calcium intake is high, the demand for vitamin D also increases. This will lead to a decrease of vitamin D in the blood.
The relationship between an increased risk of prostate cancer and Calcium , bright researchers , is very clear when very high calcium intake ( 1500 mg -2000 mg per day ).
Rule of milk consumption
According to Healthy eating guidelines, you are encouraged to consume dairy products as much as one sixth of the total daily diet of adults. This amount is equivalent to 568 ml ( about 0:56 liters ) of milk or equivalent milk products such as combinations of 189 ml - 224 ml ( 0:18 liter -1 cup ) milk , plus a cup ( 245 ml ) yogurt, and cheese 28 ml - 42 ml . The intake of providing between 700 and 1,000 mg of calcium a day . This amount is in accordance with the recommended daily dose of calcium for adults .
2. Fat
The researchers also found that countries with a relatively low fat intake had a higher risk of prostate cancer is low anyway. Researchers claim the high fat intake, especially saturated fat or animal fat increases the risk of prostate cancer. In addition, a diet rich in fats also tend to be high in calories that lead to obesity. Obesity, according to researchers, is one of the factors that make prostate cancer more aggressive. Fortunately, several studies have found that low-fat diet may slow the progression of cancer.
3. Meat
Diets high in meat, especially red meat and processed meat, can also prevent the increased risk of prostate cancer. Meat intake was also associated with high fat intake, which also presents the effect of triggering cancer.
A number of studies have compared the relationship between the level of maturity of meat and risk of prostate cancer. Processed meats declared trigger a higher risk of prostate cancer.
Still Can not eat beef steak ?
To help prevent and control cancer, you are advised to consume less than 500 gr of red meat a week. Though meat is an important source of protein for the formation and repair of tissues. In addition, meat is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron. In order to keep protein needs are met, you can substitute foods such as fish, eggs or soy.
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