Friday, May 23, 2014

What Causes Hyperthyroidism

Ensure What Causes Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism sound weird? How about hypothyroidism or thyroid disease? Hyperthyroidism is the opposite of thyroid disease (under-active thyroid gland) that comes from working too active thyroid gland to produce excess hormones and cause swelling in the area around the thyroid gland is under the throat and neck.

This disease will be more severe if the drug is used to treat the disease not the right medicine, the disease slowly as this will disrupt the body's metabolism and quality of life of sufferers.

Thyroid hormone normally work as the main hormone in the body's metabolism which can produce energy to help the performance of the cells and tissues in the body. Similar to the thyroid gland endocrine located just below the front of the neck.


This gland hormones produced there are two hormones thyroxine and triodotironin which controls the intake of fat, carbohydrates, protein, heart rate and regulate body temperature.

If a reaction occurs or excessive activity of the gland produced hormones that can cause hyperthyroid disease with symptoms often BAB, nails grow fast, anxious, irritable young and menstrual disorders in women.

There is no enlargement of the thyroid gland such as hypothyroidism or goiter, but healing is more difficult and a much smaller percentage of his recovery, only about 25% of patients can be cured with medication.

The healing process can hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine, the surgery or the removal of the thyroid gland. Can also through therapy and hormone function regulators. Whereas to the hyperthyroid patients should be diligent in taking vitamin B15 so that the circulation of blood and oxygen to the heart tissue takes place smoothly.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Can prostate cancer be cured?

Can prostate cancer be cured | Can prostate cancer be prevented?

The exact cause of prostate cancer is not known, so at this time it is not possible to prevent most cases of the disease. Many risk factors such as age, race, and family history cannot be controlled. But based on what we do know, there are some things you can do that might lower your risk of prostate cancer.

Body weight, physical activity, and diet

The effects of body weight, physical activity, and diet on prostate cancer risk are not clear, but there may be things you can do that might lower your risk.

Some studies have found that men who are overweight may have a slightly lower risk of prostate cancer overall, but a higher risk of prostate cancers that are likely to be fatal.

Studies have found that men who get regular physical activity have a slightly lower risk of prostate cancer. Vigorous activity may have a greater effect, especially on the risk of advanced prostate cancer.

Several studies have suggested that diets high in certain vegetables (including tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables, soy, beans, and other legumes) or fish may be linked with a lower risk of prostate cancer, especially more advanced cancers. Examples of cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Although not all studies agree, several have found a higher risk of prostate cancer in men who have diets high in calcium. There may also be an increased risk from consuming dairy foods.

For now, the best advice about diet and activity to possibly reduce the risk of prostate cancer is to:

Eat at least 2½ cups of a wide variety of vegetables and fruits each day.
Be physically active.
Stay at a healthy weight.
It may also be sensible to limit calcium supplements and to not get too much calcium in the diet. (This does not mean that men who are being treated for prostate cancer should not take calcium supplements if their doctor recommends them.)

For more information, see the American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention.

Vitamin, mineral, and other supplements

Some earlier studies suggested that taking certain vitamin or mineral supplements might lower prostate cancer risk. Of special interest were vitamin E and the mineral selenium.

To study the possible effects of selenium and vitamin E on prostate cancer risk, doctors conducted the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT). Men in this large study took one or both of these supplements or an inactive placebo each day for about 5 years. Neither vitamin E nor selenium was found to lower prostate cancer risk in this study. In fact, men taking the vitamin E supplements were later found to have a slightly higher risk of prostate cancer.

Taking any supplements can have both risks and benefits. Before starting vitamins or other supplements, talk with your doctor.

Several studies are now looking at the possible effects of soy proteins (called isoflavones) on prostate cancer risk. The results of these studies are not yet available.


Some drugs may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors

5-alpha reductase is the enzyme in the body that changes testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the main hormone that causes the prostate to grow. Drugs called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors block the enzyme and prevent the formation of DHT.

Two 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are already in use to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous growth of the prostate:

Finasteride (Proscar®)
Dutasteride (Avodart®)
Large studies of both of these drugs have been done to see if they might also be useful in lowering prostate cancer risk. In these studies, men taking either drug were less likely to develop prostate cancer after several years than men getting an inactive placebo.

When the results were looked at more closely, the men who took these drugs had fewer cases of prostate cancers that were low-grade, but slightly more cases of prostate cancer that were intermediate or high-grade. The grade of a cancer is based on how it looks under the microscope. Intermediate and high-grade cancers are more likely to grow and spread than low-grade cancers. Over the long term, though, this didn’t seem to affect death rates - both groups of men had similar survival.

These drugs can cause sexual side effects like lowered sexual desire and impotence. But they can help with problems from BPH such as trouble urinating.

Although these drugs are safe, they aren’t approved by the FDA to prevent prostate cancer. Right now, it isn’t clear that taking finasteride or dutasteride just to lower prostate cancer risk is very helpful. Still, men who want to know more about these drugs should discuss them with their doctors.

Other drugs

Other drugs and dietary supplements that may help lower prostate cancer risk are now being tested in clinical trials. No other drug or supplement has been found to be helpful in studies large enough to allow experts to recommend they should be given to men.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

11 Vaginal Disease you should know

Diseases of the vagina If you are suspected of having the disease problems associated with femininity if it's irregular menstrual periods, hormonal problems or disease caused by sexual intercourse, you should always consult a physician.

It is important to know the symptoms caused and also to get information about sexual health issues that many women face, how to prevent it and how to protect yourself.

Because there is still a stigma about sexual health, many women avoid going to the doctor when this evasion could seriously affect health, including fertility.

It is important to know the symptoms caused and also to get information about sexual health issues that many women face, how to prevent it and how to protect yourself.

Because there is still a stigma about sexual health, many women avoid going to the doctor when this evasion could seriously affect health, including fertility.

11 vagina disease you should know

Here are some common diseases that women face and how to ensure the health of femininity to stay healthy:

  • Human papilloma virus (HPV) is one of a viral infection caused by the most common sexual intercourse. Most of these diseases are not so dangerous but if it does not seem normal Pap test, the doctor will suggest to test lab. Ways to understanding HPV is the cervical smear or sexual health screening. Be sure to check regularly at least once every three years. Stop smoking because studies have found a relationship between smoking and cancers of the vulva and the use of condoms. 

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) one of 10 women and if left unchecked will lead to infertility. Symptoms that may arise hip pain during sexual intercourse, irregular bleeding or change in vaginal odor. See a doctor immediately if you find the symptoms. This disease can be easily cured with antibiotics. PID prevention efforts are doing safe sex and regularly checked. Sometimes the symptoms are not so obvious until it was too late. 

  • Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common vaginal infection among women age birth. This disease is often considered to be just an infection because of symptoms are very common with common infections. Symptoms of an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina, including itching, fishy aroma and changes in the vagina. Do not let these symptoms and believe to be examined and treated properly. If left unchecked, this will increase the risk of developing a PID.

  • Gonorrhea and Chlamydia 
    • Caused by bacteria. Infection begins a few days to several weeks after sexual intercourse with a person who contracted the disease 
    • In men, it causes a fluid of male genitalia. Urination can be painful. 
    • These symptoms may feel heavy or not felt at all. Symptoms of gonorrhea in women are usually very mild or not felt at all, but if left untreated the disease can be severe and lead to infertility. 
    • This disease can be cured with antibiotics if treated early 

    • HERPES
      • Caused by a virus, can be treated but not cured
      • Symptoms appear between 3 to 10 days after having sex with this disease
      • Initial symptoms appear as blisters which then opens into a small hole and watering.
      • Within 5 to 10 days the symptoms disappear
      • The virus can remain in the body and when something arises again, and sometimes often Women often do not realize that he had herpes blisters akrena occurs in the vagina

      • Caused by fungi
      • Causing red irritation under the skin of a man who is not circumcised
      • In women going out of thick white fluid that cause itching
      • Can be treated with antifungal creams

      • Caused by bacteria. Lesions appear between 3 weeks to 3 months after having sex with this disease
      • Wounds looks like a hole in the skin with a higher edge. In general, no pain.
      • The wound will disappear after a few weeks, but the virus will remain in the body and disease can appear in the form of blisters on the entire body-sore blisters will disappear as well, and the virus will attack another part of the body.
      • Syphilis can be cured with penicillin at every stage
      • In women lesions can be hidden in the vagina

      • Infection of the vagina that usually causes vaginal discharge that smells and cause inconvenience
      • Caused by various types of bacteria (bacteria gonorrhea, chlamydia) or fungi
      • It can also be caused by a variety of bacteria that are not harmful to settle in the vagina
      • Can be investigated by examining the vaginal fluid with a microscope
      • Generally can be cured with proper medication according to the cause.
      • Ulcers on the genitals
      • Caused by a virus (Human Papilloma Virus or HPV)
      • Appears in the form of one or more sores or lumps between a month to a year after having sex with the disease
      • Generally can not be seen in women because it is located inside the vagina, or in men because it is too small. Can be tested with a layer of vinegar
      • Can have serious repercussions on women because it can cause cervical cancer
      • Genital ulcers can be cured, a woman should have a pap smear every time change intimate partner

    • BUG SEX
      • Very small (less than or equal to 1/8 inch), brownish gray colored, settled on pubic hair.
      • Can be cured with a liquid medicine that you rub on pubic hair

      • Similar to genital lice, but its smaller size and settling under the skin
      • Causing small wounds and itching all over the body
      • Treated with liquid medicine rubbed all over the body
      • Clothing, bedding and towels should be washed after treatment, because lice can live on fabrics terebut

      • AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) / HIV DISEASE
        • Diseases caused by the most serious intimate relationship, causing no operation of the immune system
        • There is no real symptoms without blood research, HIV can lead to death.

        Saturday, October 12, 2013

        What causes liver cancer?

        Hepatitis B is a major factor causing liver cancer. Rates of Hepatitis B in the world is quite high . A total of 632 000 new cases are found globally to reach the 396 000 deaths per year ( 2008 data ) .

        Primary liver cancer is usually known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma ( HCC ) is a form of cancer that is commonly found throughout the world . This type of cancer usually affects people who have a liver disorder or cirrhosis of the liver .

        Liver Anatomy

        The liver is the largest organ in the human body digestion . Liver weight in adult humans around 1400-1600 grams , which is about 2.5 % of body weight . Liver is located under the right lung and is protected by the ribs .
        liver function:

        • Participate in the process of making proteins
        Protein is needed for cell growth . Liver is responsible for the production of 90 % of plasma proteins.

        • As a storage area
        Liver stores carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins that are useful when the body requires. Hearts also store and release glucose from the blood and into the body to provide energy.

        • Producing bile
        Bile is a substance that aids digestion and absorption of food .

        • The detoxification and decomposition of substances

        Hearts break down the chemicals that enter the body such as alcohol , drugs , and waste products from the body . Hearts also break down red blood cells that die a coloring substance urine and feces .

        What causes liver cancer ?

        Factors causes liver cancer :

        • Infection of Hepatitis B and C virus (70 % of liver cancer caused by hepatitis B virus infection)
        • Excessive alcohol consumption
        • The use of needles to drug users may increase the risk of exposure to infection of Hepatitis B and C virus
        • Exposure to toxic mold ( aflatoxin ) is a fungus that is found in peanuts
        • non- alcoholic fatty liver disease
        • Obesity
        • The use of anabolic steroids in the long term
        • with hereditary hemochromatosis or iron accumulation in organs
        • Men have a higher risk of developing liver cancer . Comparison of male : female = 3 : 1

        What is Liver Cancer?

        About Liver Cancer

        Liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer suffered by men and the seventh of cancer suffered by women. Liver cancer cases were encountered in those developing countries, especially in East and Southeast Asia, Central and West Africa. In 2008, found 694,000 cases of liver cancer and death from cancer makes the third cause of death in the world.

        Liver cancer also known as hepatoma, begins with symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss and if touched the upper right abdomen will feel no lumps. Those who are infected with hepatitis B or C virus susceptible to liver cancer.

        Liver cancer is one of the diseases associated with hepatobillier system and pancreas. Some other defect is gallstones, cirrhosis ( hardening of the liver ), hepatitis, liver tumors, fatty liver ( a condition where there is excess fat in the liver ) and pancreatic cancer. Liver dysfunction can be caused by several things, such as hepatitis virus infection, excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes, obesity, toxic substances, genetic disorders and cancer.

        liver cancer

        Abnormalities of the hepatobiliary system can also bermanisfestasi in many forms. Known as jaundice is the most common symptom and the focus of the examination despite not always being the dominant symptom. Someone who is exposed to hepatitis or cirrhosis have jaundice symptoms, in which the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow because of increased bilirubin in the blood plasma.

        Bilirubin is the main product of expenditures that old red blood cells and filtered from the blood by the liver and released in the bile. If the liver is malfunctioning or damaged it will increase total bilirubin jaundice early lead.

        Disorders of bilirubin in the bile duct drainage due to liver disorder called Intrahepatic jaundice. Acute and chronic hepatitis is one of the diseases associated with intrahepatic jaundice. A common type of hepatitis is hepatitis A attacks , B , and C. Hepatitis A is an acute liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus is transmitted through water or food contaminated with the virus. While hepatitis B is caused by hepatitis B virus Yag transmitted by contact with blood or body fluids of the patient.

        Is similar to hepatitis B , hepatitis C also transmitted through contact with contaminated blood. Hepatitis C virus infection sometimes leads to acute disease that can turn into a chronic condition such as liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.

        Many people are not aware of the symptoms of liver disease because symptoms do not appear to be a serious illness, such as the body feels tired and weak, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and fever, which is often regarded as a nuisance colds. They've taken seriously if you have bloody vomiting, yellowish skin and eyes, swelling and pain in the abdomen ( stomach ), easy bruising and bleeding ( bleeding gums or nosebleeds ) and mental disorders.

        In the case of liver cancer can be cured with therapy, treatment without having to replace the liver. But in cases where the liver is severely damaged, the patient will need a new heart through liver transplantation process.

        Duoble vision or diplopia

        There are some people who complain that the double vision when viewing objects or people at a certain distance. When he went to the doctor, said that the disorder is likely to occur in the central nervous system in which case the center of vision in the brain.

        Hearing location in the brain disorder that would make the patient in shock and trying to find information anywhere about vision problems he suffered. Just to share information, I give the notion of diplopia or double vision as follows.

        Diplopia or double vision is a vision disorder in which objects appear double. Diplopia derived from the Greek, diplo = double ,Opia = vision .

        double vision or diplopia symptoms

        Diplopia is generally divided into two, namely :

        Binocular diplopia

        Binocular diplopia is double vision occurs when the patient is seen by both eyes and disappears when one eye is closed. This condition was caused by muscle movement disorders eyeball so that the corner of the eyes out of sync ( the early stages of a person who would be a squint or strabismus ).

        Other causes of double vision is damage to the nerves that serve the muscles of the eyeball. The nerve damage caused by stroke, head injury, brain tumor and brain infections. Binocular diplopia can also occur in patients with diabetes, myasthenia gravis, Graves' disease, trauma or injury to the eye muscles and damage to the bones supporting the eyeball.

        Monocular diplopia

        Monocular diplopia which affects only one eye. Double vision occurs when one eye is closed (double vision from one eye). This disorder can occur in patients with astigmatism, corneal disorders arch, pterygium, cataracts, dislocated lens of the eye, tear production disorder, and some disorders of the retina.

        Because it is not a specific disease or in other words, diplopia is a symptom which can occur in some diseases I mentioned above, the treatment of diplopia depends on the underlying disease causing diplopia.

        Friday, October 11, 2013

        Various causes of kidney disease

        What causes of kidney disease?

        Many people who have chronic kidney disease without knowing it, because the symptoms of kidney disease can last for a long time. In some cases, symptoms of kidney disease are felt to go away, even the symptoms of kidney disease will not be felt for years, but when the disease is already showing symptoms of kidney, kidney disease usually have reached the chronic kidney disease to kidney failure and even.

        Kidney disease is very scary because if it had been attacked by this disease but pain that plagued the also takes care that is not simple. Some even had to replace the kidney to do the washing kidney.

        Actually, we want to avoid any disease. There is no disease that tasty. Arbitrarily painful disease. However, although many who want to avoid the disease but did not do an act to avoid it is magnified even do a lot of things that would trigger the disease, one of which is an unhealthy lifestyle, want very practical, like a fast -paced, and the lack of attention your body needs to stay healthy and fit. So, what is it that causes kidney disease?

        Various causes of kidney disease

        Causes of kidney disease are various.

        There is a kidney disease that is caused by a reaction to certain classes of drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the medical world is also called non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ), analgesics, diuretics ( urine laxative ), and antibiotics.

        1. Various examples of NSAIDs are :

        • Aspirin
        • Mefenamic acid
        • Tiaprofenat acid
        • Celecoxib
        • Diclofenac
        • Ibuprofen
        • Indomethacin
        • Ketoprofen
        • Ketorolac
        • Meloksikam
        • Naproxen
        • Parekoksib
        • Piroxicam
        • Sulindac
        • Sulfide

        2. The use of drugs known as analgesics ( pain relievers and pain reduction ) in excess like:

        • aspirin
        • paracetamol ( acetaminophen )
        • phenacetin

        Can lead to chronic kidney disease called chronic interstitial nephritis ( CIN ) and sometimes also cause tissue death in the kidneys or so-called papillary necrosis.

        Other causes of kidney disease CIN is excess intake ( intake ) lead or cadmium, radiation, disease sarcoidosis, and Balkan nephropathy ( an endemic disease is a chronic, endemic also called chronic interstitial disease, which affects all countries around the sea Balkans ).

        3. For diuretics, there are several groups, among others:

        Class of loop diuretics, such as:

        • furosemide
        • bumetanide
        • ethacrynic acid

        Thiazides groups, such as:

        • hydrochlorothiazide
        • chlorthalidone
        • indapamide

        Class of potassium sparing diuretics, such as:

        • amiloride
        • triamterene
        • spironolactone

        4.  For there are many kinds of antibiotics, but the most high-risk causes of kidney disease are:

        • penicillin
        • cephalosporin
        • rifampin ( or also known as rifampicin )
        • sulfonamide

        Other causes of kidney disease, such as acute interstitial nephritis, can be caused by:

        • inflammation 
        • kidney infection
        • systemic

        Trip kidney disease called acute pyelonephritis. Gout, gout, or cause excess uric acid and urate excretion of urate crystals can also trigger disturbances in renal tubules in the section that causes obstruction or blockage of tubular and trigger inflammation.

        Other causes of kidney diseases such as renal artery stenosis, which is a variety of diseases, among others:

        • atherosclerotic conditions
        • smoking
        • diabetes mellitus (diabetes )
        • hypertension ( high blood pressure )
        • a family history
        • hyperlipidemia
        • fibromuscular dysplasia
        • Takayasu inflammation
        • arteritis
        • neurofibromatosis
        • extrinsic pressure